Lower McAlpine Creek Greenway

May 15, 2021:

More From Lower McAlpine Creek Greenway:

It’s another beautiful Spring day here in Charlotte, NC!

At long last, yesterday our Governor Cooper essentially lifted the Statewide mask mandate for fully vaccinated individuals!


We are continuing to claw our way back towards “Normal!”

If you haven’t been vaccinated yet, please do so, to protect yourself and your fellow citizens.


For your viewing pleasure today, I’d like to share another bunch of images from the May 13th Mecklenburg Audubon Society outing to the Lower McAlpine Creek Greenway:

Three shots of an Indigo Bunting; two photos of a White-eyed Vireo; Common Yellowthroat; Eastern Phoebe; Acadian Flycatcher; and two images of White-tailed Deer.


Stay safe and have a great day!

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May 13, 2021:

Lower McAlpine Creek Greenway:

Today, I enjoyed a beautiful Spring morning, birding at our local Lower McAlpine Creek Greenway, with a small group of fellow Mecklenburg Audubon Society Members.

Thanks to the advanced birding skills of several members of the group, (myself excluded), we encountered numerous beautiful birds during our leisurely walk!

The avian stars of the show were four or five lovely, and very confident and cooperative Prothonotary Warblers, which posed multiple times in close proximity to our group.

In this post, I would like to share an initial set of some of my favorite images from this morning, featuring one of the stars of the show:

Five shots of a Prothonotary Warbler; Downy Woodpecker; Northern Cardinal; Yellow Warbler; House Finch; and a Black Vulture.


Stay safe and have a great day!

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