Clarks Creek Nature Preserve

December 21, 2020:

Winter Solstice:

Today, as we head into Winter, hoping and trusting that better times lie ahead, I would like to share a final set of images from my December 8th visit to Clarks Creek Nature Preserve.

These photographs feature a Cooper’s Hawk, which I came across towards the end of my outing:

Four images of the Cooper’s Hawk; two photographs of a Blue Jay; Chipping Sparrow; two images of a Downy Woodpecker; and an Eastern Phoebe.


Stay safe and have a great day!

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December 20, 2020:

More From Clarks Creek Nature Preserve:

It’s a dank and dreary day here in Charlotte, NC.

However, my spirits were lifted this morning by hearing the call of a nearby Red-shouldered Hawk, and by spotting a Barred Owl resting in a neighbor’s yard, as I walked our son’s dog, Tyrion.

Today, for your viewing pleasure, I’d like to share several more images from my December 8th visit to Clarks Creek Nature Preserve, featuring a Belted Kingfisher hunting at the Preserve’s pond:

Five photographs of the Belted Kingfisher; two images of an Eastern Towhee with some attitude; White-throated Sparrow; a pair of Pine Siskins; and a Song Sparrow.


Stay safe and have a great day!

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December 19, 2020:

Clarks Creek Nature Preserve Potpourri:

To brighten up your Saturday a little, I’d like to share a potpourri of images of several locally common avian species, from my December 8th visit to Clarks Creek Nature Preserve:

Three photographs of Northern Cardinals; American Goldfinch; two images of Eastern Bluebirds; American Robin; and three photos of a Northern Mockingbird.


Stay safe and have a great day!

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December 18, 2020:

Hooded Merganser Show:

On December 8th, I paid another visit to our local Clarks Creek Nature Preserve.

It was the very end of this outing that I enjoyed the most.

Just before heading home, I decided to loop back to the Preserve’s small pond, just in case something interesting had flown in.

Sure enough, much to my surprise and delight, a pair of Hooded Mergansers had arrived! They paddled around briefly and then abruptly took off when they spotted me.

Today, I’d like to share a series of images of these attractive ducks, featuring the male Hooded Merganser in flight.


Stay safe and have a great day!

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